Adobe Muse TIPS & TRICKS

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Quick tips and tricks to help you build faster and easier

Switching Color Picker Sliders Between RGB and HSB

RGB sliders aren't for everyone

In the 2014 version of Adobe Muse, we gained a new color picker. However some people find three sliders for mixing Red, Green, and Blue while others find sliders selecting Hue, Saturation, and Brightness. These respective color pickers are called RGB and HSB. You might find the HSB color picker to be significantly more intuitive to use. In order to switch modes in the color picker, simply
hold the Shift key, and click the color spectrum below the sliders. Viola.
HSB Below:
RGB Below:


Build Retina Websites in Adobe Muse

With a single click (or so).

Previously, it was quite a bit of extra work and building in order to create a site in Adobe Muse with higher resolution graphics for Retina Displays. Now its simply a matter of clicking File > Site Properties then clicking on the "Content" tab at the top. Now find the dropdown menu next to "Resolution" and switch it from "Standard" to "HiDPI (2X)".
Now you can continue designing your site using graphics that are twice as wide and tall as your normal dimensions and Muse will intelligently delegate which graphics the viewers computer should load. Get more details from the YouTube Tutorial.

Recolor Your Colors

Changing Colors Site-Wide

We all change our minds about colors. Adobe Muse understands us. To keep colors consistent throughout our websites, Muse allows us to save the colors that we create to the list of Color Swatches. The cool part is what happens when you double click on a color swatch. The Swatch Options box appears which allows you to name your color swatch but more importantly it lets you CHANGE the color. This changes every instance of this color swatch in my entire website.
Here's an example to recap: Let's say you are designing a website for a company with an orange logo. You create a swatch of the company's exact orange, using the eyedropper lets say. You use this swatch all over the site for text, shape fills, and strokes. Then you get an email from the client titled "Updated Logo". They changed their shade of orange. Normally this would be an "Uh oh" situation. But since you used the same color swatch for every orange object, you may now double click on your swatch and use the eyedropper to pick up the new orange. When you click OK, every element connected that swatch updates to the new color.

Brand Every Page Title Instantly

Page Title Prifixes

When planning a site in Adobe Muse, I think we all like to give our pages nice short names; Home, About, Contact, etc. This shorthand page titling comes to be sort of a problem on the search engine and bookmarking side of things. Plus it just doesn't look quite right to look at the top of a web page in your browser and see nothing but the word "Home". This is why we brand our page titles. Though most will do this by typing out, or copying and pasting the name of their website into each and every page title of their website "Plan". Well no longer! Open up your primary Master page that you have build your other pages from and navigate to Page > Page Properties... then click the Metadata tab at the top. This reveals two text fields; Page Title Prefix and Page Title Suffix.
Type your site name into the Page Title Prefix box and Muse will automatically add what you've typed to the beginning of every page based on this master. Use Page Title Suffix to have it added to the end of the page name instead. Or use both if you'd like. ie: Muse Resources - Home - Entirely Free Design Resources for Adobe Muse. Don't for get to include spaces and separators (if you'd like) to make sure the prefix, page name, and suffix don't collide.

Killer Muse Shortcut #1

Paste in Place

If you have ever been frustrated by the fact that copying and pasting an object from one page to another has positioned it funny, then you'll love this. I was one of these people until I discovered Edit > Paste in Place from the Muse menu. Copy your objects as you normally would, but when pasting, choose Paste in Place to have the object pasted in exactly the same X and Y positions as the source page. The keyboard shortcut for Mac users is Option Shift Command V. Alt Shift Control V for Windows users.



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